It was a late night and early morning. Lots of coffee was put into this body today. |
If there is one thing I would say that God has been trying to teach me this year, it would be on the basis of flexibility. Now I've never been a very flexible person, physically speaking. I can vividly remember the humiliation of failing my second grade Physical Education- Physical Fitness test because, while I could jump rope for 15 straight minutes and run a 4.0 second 40-yard dash, I couldn't ever touch my toes and therefore was deemed physically unfit. I still am a little bitter about it.
But I think God has really been working on this theme in me spiritually. If you had asked me beforehand how I saw my STINT year working out, mono would not have been in the plan. But the thing is, God didn't ask me how I wanted it to go. He simply asked me to go and be obedient to Him. And the plans change. What I've slowly started to realize is that it's not so important what I want, or how fast I accomplish my goals, or that my plans are followed through.
The Celtic Christians had a name for the Holy Spirit- "An Geadh-Glas", or "the Wild Goose." I think they were on to something. I have learned that leading a life obedient to God and daily walking in His Spirit means leading a life chasing a wild goose. And I am on the Wild Goose Chase of my life.
God has revealed to me that it's not important that I reach the finish line. Maybe what he is more concerned with is how I am running the race, or the chase, if you will. I think God really desires me to submit to his will, daily, and while on earth that may look like I'm running around like a chicken with my head cut off, what God desires to see is that I am simply obedient amidst the chaos. He might not be so concerned with the fact that I ever do cross a finish line as much as he just wants me to glorify him through the process. So that's what I'm trying to do now. Let go of all that I desire, and simply strive to make God proud in the chase, living a life worthy of representing him.
So, naturally, God has chosen to use this tour to further hammer home the idea of dependency on him and being flexible to the Holy Spirit working on this tour. Of course, nothing has gone as planned for this trip. And believe me, we planned and planned and planned! But I think I would desire it to be this way instead.
Jess wants a superman cape too. |
The girls didn't make flights, and we haven't been anywhere on time. We have changed our schedule three times in the last fifteen minutes. We have been locked out of places, short on food, short on people, but never short on God. He has showed up and provided for our every need thus far. And I want to praise Him for his faithfulness.
Today's team time with the girls. We are teaching the AIA principles, today was about playing for an Audience of One. |
Just washing some dishes with my superman cape on. Pretty normal. |
Karli, my teammate |
Shelley, another one |
This is Abbey and Jessi. Or as we like to call them, dumb and dumber. |
Today was my birthday, and I was blessed beyond measure to spend it with some of the most amazing girls I have known. They are a great community and have served as a sounding board for the lessons I have been learning from God. I guess I just wanted to take some time and let you know that my God is real and he is working down here. He is working in me and he has chosen to work in this tour. The girls have responded to Mexico, aka Flex-ico, in a way that is glorifying to Christ and all that he would desire for his followers.
The girls surprised me with a cake :) |
And it was delicious. |
I like cake. Obviously. |
The girls made me tell them three highlights of my 23rd year of life and a major life lesson I learned. Hence, the post. My blessing? You guys. |
Practice tonight was awesome with lots of energy from the girls. I have been given the opportunity to both coach and play on this team, so God continues to reveal to me new lessons and blessings.
I will promise to condense the next few blog posts and stick to what is going on through the tour, but I had this on my heart and wanted you all to know the goodness of God's heart for his people. I pray tonight that you are blessed this week as I have been.
Practice |
Our team, minus a few |
Sara, our tour director and Shelley, an AIA STINTer |
I love this girl! |
Jessica and Yost |
Great Post! Enjoy watching from Tennessee...we are still awaiting the baby. Due date is tomorrow.