Hey, guys! I've officially made it two weeks.
I’m starting to understand the slightly more laid back mentality of Hispanic culture. Case in point: Monday I was supposed to move into my apartment. The thing you have to love about this place is their total disregard for schedules. Our beds were supposed to be delivered today between 9am and 8pm. At about 2, Marnie got a call from then to let us know that they would, in fact, not be delivered until NEXT Thursday. Ok, cool. I’m definitely learning to go with the flow and that sometimes (just sometimes) my plans don’t mean jack.
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Move in day: Me, Abbie- my AIA teammate, Marnie, and Leti- the sweetest landlord ever |
In other news, the LORD is at work. The other day I got to campus at UDLAP for soccer practice at 1. Turns out, practice was cancelled so here I was with about six hours to spare on campus. So what do I default to? Facebook and Pinterest of course. So I pull out my laptop and start it up when all of the sudden I look up and see two familiar faces. It’s two girls that I met on my mission trip two summers ago that befriended me but I hadn’t seen or talked to since summer of 2010. We exchanged bewildered looks and then simultaneously our brains clicked and we recognized each other. I got up and bear hugged them and we chatted for a minute or two about why in the world I was back on their campus, sitting outside their gym. Turns out they were heading to the gym to shoot around before a game and they invited me to come with them. Of course I’m not going to say no to that offer, so I was stoked to take them up on the offer.
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Me with some of the girls from UDLAP university. |
It’s little divine appointments like that that I have begun to see the reason why I’m here- to develop relationships with these amazing people. The coolest part is to step back and see God orchestrating each intricate detail of my day in order for His work and His will to be done. I pray that the Lord would provide ways for me to develop deep relationships with these girls based on our love for him, as well as through the platform of basketball.
On Thursday we had a huge Thanksgiving celebration at the Morgan’s, who work here in Puebla with Campus Crusade. I would guess some 50 people came and we broke bread and feasted on some delicious foods. It was cool to look around the room at all these people who were doing God’s work and say a silent thanks to the one who made it all possible. Everyday I wake up and am humbled by His provision in my life. Good food and great friends make for an amazing blessing.
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Jolita-my teammate here with AIA, the cutest little boy alive, and me at the Morgan's for Thanksgiving |
On another note, we are getting settled in our little apartment. It’s really cozy and so nice to have a place of our own. Marnie and I are praying that this would be an environment that would be safe and comfortable to our girls and that they would think of it as a refuge from their stresses. It is our desire that this apartment would be full of girls coming to hang out, have quiet time alone, or just come and eat our food. We want this place to be used for the Kingdom. Luckily we have a constant abundance in cereal so we are hoping the girls would find that attractive and stop in frequently.
Today we had a staff day at the park. There are eight Athletes In Action staff here in Puebla and I can’t get over how great these people are. Seriously, these guys are the kind you don’t find just anywhere. We all got together today and played catch, kicked the soccer ball, and just enjoyed the beautiful weather and good company. The more I learn about my team, the more I love them. It’s kind of cool to think about- the same can be said about our God.
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The AIA team here in Puebla |
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Marnie and I clearly playing serious, Alabama style lock-down defense on John and Natalie. Is it obvious that I can't breathe at this point? |
I don’t know if I have mentioned this, but I am going to be able to come home for Christmas! I can’t wait to see some of you! I love you dearly and if you are reading this, please know that today you have been prayed for.
“I thank my God every time I remember you, constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers for all of you...” Philippians 1:3-4
Oh, and one more thing: Roll Tide Roll.
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Today's sunset view from my apartment overlooking the city |
God is good and working in you and your friends. THanks for the update and pics. Looking forward to seeing you at Christmas. Much love, Mom C