Please, please, please send me your prayer requests. I'd like to spend a lot of time next week thanking the Lord for each of you and would love for you to send me an update and any prayers I could be praying for you. I love you!
my email:
Also, I'll be sending out a hard-copy of December's newsletter. If you do not recieve one of these, or would like to, e-mail me your address and I will make sure you get one.
"...for we walk by faith, and not by sight... So whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please him." -2 Corinthians 5:7, 9
Monday, December 5, 2011
Week Three: a Mexican prison and a road trip
As the title suggests, I did get my first experience with a Mexican penitentary today. Marnie, Jolita, Abbey, Natalie, John and I all loaded up and went to visit a good friend of theirs named Julio- probably one of the sweetest, most kind-hearted people I have met, not only in Mexico, but in my life. He has been wrongfully accused and spent almost the last two months there. He was a former baseball player at UDLAP and his dad is the coach. In fact, after we went to visit Julio in prison I walked over to the baseball field after I finished with soccer practice at UDLAP and met his father. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree- he is a precious man and I think he was pretty impressed at the way I threw a baseball. He jokingly offered me a hundred thousand dollar contract to come play softball on his team. I told him I'll be there at the scrimmage tomorrow- no payment necessary.
The prison experience was, actually... amazing. The men in there treated us with nothing but respect. They bought us coffee, showed us their rooms, taught us the favorite board game and even played it with us. Once Julio figured out I played the guitar, he went up to his cell and got his roommates guitar, brought it down and let me play it. I mean never in a million years did I think I would look up from my job one day and be playing Sweet Home Alabama on the guitar to about fifty Mexican prison innmates. But the Lord calls and our job is only to respond and in doing so I have recieved some of the most amazing life experiences. Julio is studying the bible with John and some of the inmates have asked John is, upon Julio's release, he would continue coming to the jail to talk with them. Very, very cool.
On Thursday I got the amazing opportunity to travel to Xalapas, Veracruz with the women's soccer team Abbey and I are working with from UDLAP. These girls are good- a couple of them have been given a summer Olympic opportunity to go and try out for the team. The drive was gorgeous and the time was so fun. I got to spend a lot of quality time with the girls- it was a great trip to connect with them before they head home for the holidays. We are super excited to start up a bible study with these girls next semester. The coaches are very open to giving us full access to the team so next semester we might have to opportunity to travel to ALL the games with them! Appartently they travel quite a bit to all the Mexican states so this is an awesome opportuity God has opened up to Abbey and I to spend more time with the girls and also see the beautiful country.
This past weekend was a great time for me to catch my breath after a full week. Marnie and I went downtown into what has quickly become our favorite area called Sappos- a huge antique market. I stocked up on a bunch of stuff for my room and picked up a few Christmas gifts. I can't wait to visit back home and celebrate my all time favorite holiday!!!
On Friday Marnie and I got to meet up with some friends of ours and play on their travelling basketball team. I had soooo much fun! It's fun to get back on the court and play against real competition- especially with Marnie. She seems to read my mind so we just have fun and play pretty well together. We ended up winning pretty big and the team asked us to come play again with them so hopefully we will get to do that this week sometime.
Saturday morning came quick as Marnie and I went off to run a clinic/practice for a friend of ours who coaches twenty 12-14 year old boys. He told us to make them puke and we gave it our best... It was such fun. They boys were sweethearts, super open to our coaching and hard workers. But nobody lost their breakfast, so I think we will give it another shot next week and see if we get any better results :) The funniest part was at the end when all these sweaty adolescent boys came up to thank us for getting up that morning and coming to help them train. I don't know how many of you know the Mexican custom for thanking and greeting people, but it's a big kiss on the right cheek. Now, imagine doing that twenty times with young boys who have been sweating for the last three hours. It was a major lesson in cultural adaptation to say the least.
One last bit of news: I have been praying for an opportunity to go to London in August for the 2012 Olympics this week and... (drumroll)... I think there is a good possibility that it will happen!!! Thank you God for being so generous in blessing me with these amazing opportunities. I cannot wait!!!!
I do have a couple of prayer requests:
- the basketball team I am working and practicing with at UMAD is experiencing some, well, trials. Abbie and I are currently meeting with two girls every week for one-on-one times, talking about their life and the bible. On Saturday morning I went to their game and found out that Diana, one of the girls I meet with from Ecuador, was released from the team and given a plane ticket to return home for good. I am really sad to see her go- she was one of the girls I really connected with and showed a great interest in growing spiritually. I have to give her some credit, she took the news well. She seemed to be under this peace that surpassed all understanding when she was talking to me. I think she is understanding that the LORD has mighty plans for her life. I just wish I could spend the next year watching it.
-On the same note, the other girl we were meeting with is Reina. She's a baller. Sharp-shooting point guard that loves to play hard. She also loves the LORD and I have had great conversation with her. She was also dismissed from the team following the game on Saturday. I've been praying a lot for the coach of this team- I don't see his reasoning or rationalization for the way he does things. I don't want to say that Reina's dismissal was completely irrational because I don't know the backstory, but I hope this was a mistake and she gets back on the team. She has been working extremely hard on both her school and basketball life, as well as growing spiritually. I really, really pray that she could get back on the team.
So basically, the only two girls I was having meetings with and connecting deeply with have been dismissed from the team and as it stands now, will not be back next semester. I'm pleading with you to pray with me that this would not be the case. This team and university so desperately need a strong Christian woman to emerge as a leader and I had prayed that Diana and Reina would be just that. I know the Lord is going to deliver, I just don't know his plans. And that's okay because I know he is at work here. On Wednesday night we are having a Christmas party with the girls and sharing the gospel. Hopefully this will be a time of great food and fellowship and spark some spiritual conversations that could lead to more in-depth studies later. This team is really on my heart and I feel especially called to them. I konw the Lord is investing here and I just want to be a part of that.
I thank you so, so much. I can't wait to come back to the States for a while and celebrate with you all.
Hasta luego! Talk to you later!
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Marnie, me, and Jolita on the way to see Julio |
The prison experience was, actually... amazing. The men in there treated us with nothing but respect. They bought us coffee, showed us their rooms, taught us the favorite board game and even played it with us. Once Julio figured out I played the guitar, he went up to his cell and got his roommates guitar, brought it down and let me play it. I mean never in a million years did I think I would look up from my job one day and be playing Sweet Home Alabama on the guitar to about fifty Mexican prison innmates. But the Lord calls and our job is only to respond and in doing so I have recieved some of the most amazing life experiences. Julio is studying the bible with John and some of the inmates have asked John is, upon Julio's release, he would continue coming to the jail to talk with them. Very, very cool.
On Thursday I got the amazing opportunity to travel to Xalapas, Veracruz with the women's soccer team Abbey and I are working with from UDLAP. These girls are good- a couple of them have been given a summer Olympic opportunity to go and try out for the team. The drive was gorgeous and the time was so fun. I got to spend a lot of quality time with the girls- it was a great trip to connect with them before they head home for the holidays. We are super excited to start up a bible study with these girls next semester. The coaches are very open to giving us full access to the team so next semester we might have to opportunity to travel to ALL the games with them! Appartently they travel quite a bit to all the Mexican states so this is an awesome opportuity God has opened up to Abbey and I to spend more time with the girls and also see the beautiful country.
This past weekend was a great time for me to catch my breath after a full week. Marnie and I went downtown into what has quickly become our favorite area called Sappos- a huge antique market. I stocked up on a bunch of stuff for my room and picked up a few Christmas gifts. I can't wait to visit back home and celebrate my all time favorite holiday!!!
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This is what happens when you spend all day in Sappos. Lucky for us, Mexican cab drivers can pack down a taxi. |
Saturday morning came quick as Marnie and I went off to run a clinic/practice for a friend of ours who coaches twenty 12-14 year old boys. He told us to make them puke and we gave it our best... It was such fun. They boys were sweethearts, super open to our coaching and hard workers. But nobody lost their breakfast, so I think we will give it another shot next week and see if we get any better results :) The funniest part was at the end when all these sweaty adolescent boys came up to thank us for getting up that morning and coming to help them train. I don't know how many of you know the Mexican custom for thanking and greeting people, but it's a big kiss on the right cheek. Now, imagine doing that twenty times with young boys who have been sweating for the last three hours. It was a major lesson in cultural adaptation to say the least.
One last bit of news: I have been praying for an opportunity to go to London in August for the 2012 Olympics this week and... (drumroll)... I think there is a good possibility that it will happen!!! Thank you God for being so generous in blessing me with these amazing opportunities. I cannot wait!!!!
I do have a couple of prayer requests:
- the basketball team I am working and practicing with at UMAD is experiencing some, well, trials. Abbie and I are currently meeting with two girls every week for one-on-one times, talking about their life and the bible. On Saturday morning I went to their game and found out that Diana, one of the girls I meet with from Ecuador, was released from the team and given a plane ticket to return home for good. I am really sad to see her go- she was one of the girls I really connected with and showed a great interest in growing spiritually. I have to give her some credit, she took the news well. She seemed to be under this peace that surpassed all understanding when she was talking to me. I think she is understanding that the LORD has mighty plans for her life. I just wish I could spend the next year watching it.
-On the same note, the other girl we were meeting with is Reina. She's a baller. Sharp-shooting point guard that loves to play hard. She also loves the LORD and I have had great conversation with her. She was also dismissed from the team following the game on Saturday. I've been praying a lot for the coach of this team- I don't see his reasoning or rationalization for the way he does things. I don't want to say that Reina's dismissal was completely irrational because I don't know the backstory, but I hope this was a mistake and she gets back on the team. She has been working extremely hard on both her school and basketball life, as well as growing spiritually. I really, really pray that she could get back on the team.
So basically, the only two girls I was having meetings with and connecting deeply with have been dismissed from the team and as it stands now, will not be back next semester. I'm pleading with you to pray with me that this would not be the case. This team and university so desperately need a strong Christian woman to emerge as a leader and I had prayed that Diana and Reina would be just that. I know the Lord is going to deliver, I just don't know his plans. And that's okay because I know he is at work here. On Wednesday night we are having a Christmas party with the girls and sharing the gospel. Hopefully this will be a time of great food and fellowship and spark some spiritual conversations that could lead to more in-depth studies later. This team is really on my heart and I feel especially called to them. I konw the Lord is investing here and I just want to be a part of that.
I thank you so, so much. I can't wait to come back to the States for a while and celebrate with you all.
Hasta luego! Talk to you later!
Monday, November 28, 2011
Today, I was blessed. For one, I recieved e-mails from really great friends with words of encouragement and love from back home. I don't know if I could ever emphazise how thankful I am for all of your support and prayers- it seems like when the days get tough, one of you will e-mail me a word of encouragement and I'm immediately re-energized. Thank you so much for all your prayers and words.
I wanted to give you a quick run down of all the amazing things that happened today. The Lord is still at work here.
This morning I had practice with the Tec university basketball team. It was the first time I was able to meet them and the girls were super receptive to me. I am constantly amazed at these people for how they accept me despite my complete ignorance for their culture and inability to speak their language. It makes it very cool to get out on the court with them and play basketball- which I strongly consider a universal language. Once we step on the court, it's like we all speak the same.
Anyways, I went on to our Monday staff meeting and was able to be encouraged by our AIA team as each of us reported what the week looked like and how our athletes seemed to be responding to our ministry. We had a time where each of us shared our vision and dreams for the athletes we are specifically working with. I shared mine and wanted to share it with you as well: I am currently meeting one-on-one with two girls from my UMAD university team. They are sweethearts but somewhat new believers. We are going over material every week dealing with our security in Christ (how do I know I have eternal salvation, what does God think of me, etc.) At this point, we are praying and talking to them about having regular quiet times and meeting with God frequently as we discover who he is and what he says about us in the Bible. So for short-term goals, I would love to see them develop a habit of regular quiet times meeting with God over the next few months. A bigger, perhaps more lofty yet very attainable goal that I have is for those two girls to start a small group with their team and lead it. I know there are no dreams too big for God to fufill so I'm going big on this one. I prayed before I came down here that I would find and target a certain three or four girls who could be raised up as Mexican leaders, who would be able to lead their country to Jesus. I pray that these girls would be an answer to that prayer.
As if that weren't a cool enough day, I went over to UMAD for my second practice of the day with the girls. Afterwards we had a team talk, which we do every week, about communication. When we finished we casually asked all the girls if they wanted to grab something to eat with us. Most of them politely declined because they have finals this week and two games. Totally understandable. But one of them asked us to go get pizza with her. This was a major highlight of my day.
Midway through the meal we are talking with this girl. She is a practicing Mormon which really excites Abbey (my teammate) and I because that indicates that she is interested and active in spiritual matters. Abbey has been praying for this girl for a while now. It sounds like we reached a breakthrough today because she initiated some conversation about the Bible and what it says about different subjects that we had talked about over dinner. She then told us that she would like to study the bible with Abbey and I starting next semester. Praise Jesus this was one of the coolest things I have witnessed here. I just wanted to let you know and ask for your prayers that this would happen come January and that through logic and truth we could appeal to her beliefs and let the Word do the work in her. It is my prayer that she come to the realization of what is good and true and righteous.
Again, I love you and want to thank you in advance of your help in getting me here and your help in the advancement of the Kingdom.
I wanted to give you a quick run down of all the amazing things that happened today. The Lord is still at work here.
This morning I had practice with the Tec university basketball team. It was the first time I was able to meet them and the girls were super receptive to me. I am constantly amazed at these people for how they accept me despite my complete ignorance for their culture and inability to speak their language. It makes it very cool to get out on the court with them and play basketball- which I strongly consider a universal language. Once we step on the court, it's like we all speak the same.
Anyways, I went on to our Monday staff meeting and was able to be encouraged by our AIA team as each of us reported what the week looked like and how our athletes seemed to be responding to our ministry. We had a time where each of us shared our vision and dreams for the athletes we are specifically working with. I shared mine and wanted to share it with you as well: I am currently meeting one-on-one with two girls from my UMAD university team. They are sweethearts but somewhat new believers. We are going over material every week dealing with our security in Christ (how do I know I have eternal salvation, what does God think of me, etc.) At this point, we are praying and talking to them about having regular quiet times and meeting with God frequently as we discover who he is and what he says about us in the Bible. So for short-term goals, I would love to see them develop a habit of regular quiet times meeting with God over the next few months. A bigger, perhaps more lofty yet very attainable goal that I have is for those two girls to start a small group with their team and lead it. I know there are no dreams too big for God to fufill so I'm going big on this one. I prayed before I came down here that I would find and target a certain three or four girls who could be raised up as Mexican leaders, who would be able to lead their country to Jesus. I pray that these girls would be an answer to that prayer.
As if that weren't a cool enough day, I went over to UMAD for my second practice of the day with the girls. Afterwards we had a team talk, which we do every week, about communication. When we finished we casually asked all the girls if they wanted to grab something to eat with us. Most of them politely declined because they have finals this week and two games. Totally understandable. But one of them asked us to go get pizza with her. This was a major highlight of my day.
Midway through the meal we are talking with this girl. She is a practicing Mormon which really excites Abbey (my teammate) and I because that indicates that she is interested and active in spiritual matters. Abbey has been praying for this girl for a while now. It sounds like we reached a breakthrough today because she initiated some conversation about the Bible and what it says about different subjects that we had talked about over dinner. She then told us that she would like to study the bible with Abbey and I starting next semester. Praise Jesus this was one of the coolest things I have witnessed here. I just wanted to let you know and ask for your prayers that this would happen come January and that through logic and truth we could appeal to her beliefs and let the Word do the work in her. It is my prayer that she come to the realization of what is good and true and righteous.
Again, I love you and want to thank you in advance of your help in getting me here and your help in the advancement of the Kingdom.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Welcome to Mexico, Kate
Hey, guys! I've officially made it two weeks.
I’m starting to understand the slightly more laid back mentality of Hispanic culture. Case in point: Monday I was supposed to move into my apartment. The thing you have to love about this place is their total disregard for schedules. Our beds were supposed to be delivered today between 9am and 8pm. At about 2, Marnie got a call from then to let us know that they would, in fact, not be delivered until NEXT Thursday. Ok, cool. I’m definitely learning to go with the flow and that sometimes (just sometimes) my plans don’t mean jack.
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Move in day: Me, Abbie- my AIA teammate, Marnie, and Leti- the sweetest landlord ever |
In other news, the LORD is at work. The other day I got to campus at UDLAP for soccer practice at 1. Turns out, practice was cancelled so here I was with about six hours to spare on campus. So what do I default to? Facebook and Pinterest of course. So I pull out my laptop and start it up when all of the sudden I look up and see two familiar faces. It’s two girls that I met on my mission trip two summers ago that befriended me but I hadn’t seen or talked to since summer of 2010. We exchanged bewildered looks and then simultaneously our brains clicked and we recognized each other. I got up and bear hugged them and we chatted for a minute or two about why in the world I was back on their campus, sitting outside their gym. Turns out they were heading to the gym to shoot around before a game and they invited me to come with them. Of course I’m not going to say no to that offer, so I was stoked to take them up on the offer.
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Me with some of the girls from UDLAP university. |
It’s little divine appointments like that that I have begun to see the reason why I’m here- to develop relationships with these amazing people. The coolest part is to step back and see God orchestrating each intricate detail of my day in order for His work and His will to be done. I pray that the Lord would provide ways for me to develop deep relationships with these girls based on our love for him, as well as through the platform of basketball.
On Thursday we had a huge Thanksgiving celebration at the Morgan’s, who work here in Puebla with Campus Crusade. I would guess some 50 people came and we broke bread and feasted on some delicious foods. It was cool to look around the room at all these people who were doing God’s work and say a silent thanks to the one who made it all possible. Everyday I wake up and am humbled by His provision in my life. Good food and great friends make for an amazing blessing.
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Jolita-my teammate here with AIA, the cutest little boy alive, and me at the Morgan's for Thanksgiving |
On another note, we are getting settled in our little apartment. It’s really cozy and so nice to have a place of our own. Marnie and I are praying that this would be an environment that would be safe and comfortable to our girls and that they would think of it as a refuge from their stresses. It is our desire that this apartment would be full of girls coming to hang out, have quiet time alone, or just come and eat our food. We want this place to be used for the Kingdom. Luckily we have a constant abundance in cereal so we are hoping the girls would find that attractive and stop in frequently.
Today we had a staff day at the park. There are eight Athletes In Action staff here in Puebla and I can’t get over how great these people are. Seriously, these guys are the kind you don’t find just anywhere. We all got together today and played catch, kicked the soccer ball, and just enjoyed the beautiful weather and good company. The more I learn about my team, the more I love them. It’s kind of cool to think about- the same can be said about our God.
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The AIA team here in Puebla |
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Marnie and I clearly playing serious, Alabama style lock-down defense on John and Natalie. Is it obvious that I can't breathe at this point? |
I don’t know if I have mentioned this, but I am going to be able to come home for Christmas! I can’t wait to see some of you! I love you dearly and if you are reading this, please know that today you have been prayed for.
“I thank my God every time I remember you, constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers for all of you...” Philippians 1:3-4
Oh, and one more thing: Roll Tide Roll.
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Today's sunset view from my apartment overlooking the city |
Monday, November 21, 2011
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas... kinda
Morning! I'm sitting here in John and Natalie's home watching them and their two little boys put up a Christmas tree and listening to Michael Buble's Christmas album. I am a HUGE fan of Christmas and I can't wait for it to get here!! It's times like these where I just smile and know that God has blessed me and blessed me good. I just couldn't help but let you know. I said a prayer this morning for each of you and I hope you have a great holiday season. I will get to come home for the holiday this year and hope to see you while I'm home!
Today is Revolutionary day here in Mexico- well, technically it was yesterday but one thing I love about this culture is that they look for any opportunity to extend a holiday weekend. On Thursday the Campus Crusade team and our Athetes In Action team are having Thanksgiving dinner and for some reason Marnie and I have been put in charge of the ham... they clearly don't know us very well because there's a 100% chance this ham is going to end up doubling as a large piece of beef jerkey. Prayers are welcome!!!
On another note, Marnie and I will be moving into our new home this afternoon, so hopefully I will be posting some pitcutes of our new home soon. Have a great Monday.
Love you all!
Today is Revolutionary day here in Mexico- well, technically it was yesterday but one thing I love about this culture is that they look for any opportunity to extend a holiday weekend. On Thursday the Campus Crusade team and our Athetes In Action team are having Thanksgiving dinner and for some reason Marnie and I have been put in charge of the ham... they clearly don't know us very well because there's a 100% chance this ham is going to end up doubling as a large piece of beef jerkey. Prayers are welcome!!!
On another note, Marnie and I will be moving into our new home this afternoon, so hopefully I will be posting some pitcutes of our new home soon. Have a great Monday.
Love you all!
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Week One...
Hey blog followers. I made it the first week, hallelujah!
I officially started work on Monday and really haven't stopped yet. I am working with the women's soccer team at UDLAP and the women's basketball team at UMAD (two of the five or six universities here in Puebla). It's been an awesome week building relationships with the girls through team meetings and bible studies, one-on-one meetings and actually getting to practice with the girls. That's right, I said practice and for the record, I am not the functioning athlete I once was. The elevation change here has kicked my butt. We are above 7,000 feet here so my lungs are constantly mad at me for not getting enough air to them.
This is really a cool city. Puebla is located at the Valley of Puebla also known as the Valley of Cuetlaxcoapan, a large valley surrounded on four sides by the mountains and volcanoes of the Trans-Mexican volcanic belt. The views are absolutely stunning and I can't help but think of how awesome our Creator is when I get to constantly look at sights like this:
I snapped this today with my phone as I walked to the church I have been going to. This weekend they simulcast a Global Leadership Summit put on by the Willow Creek Association and I loved it. It spoke a lot about working on teams and how to lead successfully by following God's call on one's life. Really struck a chord with me. There were some 130,000 people watching all over the world, 540 in this church, Torre Fuerte. Of course, it was in Spanish but the kind people there were able to hook us up with headphones so we could listen to it in English. That's just how the people are around here- super willing to help and I don't know if I have met people as nice.
I have had a few, um, minor problems occur. The other day I attempted to take the bus to campus and meet my teammate there because, well, I'm arrogant and think I can know my way around a town I've only lived in 3 days in a country that I speak three words of their language. But, I went nonetheless... and to make things easier, I didn't have an operating phone on me. I took what I thought was the right bus but was, in fact, not. The bus system is deceptive around here- there is a series of I believe three thousand numbers on the front of the bus and I am supposed to identify the route by the number. Now these buses are flying at me at the speed of sound and it doesn't help that I am constantly looking around at God knows what instead of my bus. So it would only make sense that I mix up the numbers and get on the wrong bus. 45 minutes later the nice bus driver informed me that I needed to get off the bus, that his route was over. I however did not understand this in the least bit, and smiled in vain attempt to flirt my way into him taking me back to wherever in the world I got on the bus from. It didn't work.
So I got off the bus into what you could have convinced me was another world. I had no idea where I was or where to turn. So what does a good little missionary do at a time like that? Say a quick prayer and get to stepping. God must have had some pity on my because I took one of five roads about a half mile, decided to catch another bus that I had no idea where it was headed and all of the sudden this familiar ad appears and I know where I am:
Thank God for the Dixie Chicks. I got off the bus and walked the rest of the way home. I'm still not entirely sure why there is a painting on the wall of Puebla, Mexico of those three but I guess I'm just glad they are popular somewhere in this world.
Tomorrow I'm planning on taking some time and processing a lot of what's happened this week and hopefully write some more as I think of all the amazing things that have happened to me. I want to thank you for your prayers this week. Please know I have felt the unexplainable peace of God in the middle of this chaos and I know it's because I have amazing prayer warriors back home. I love you all and am praying for you too.
I officially started work on Monday and really haven't stopped yet. I am working with the women's soccer team at UDLAP and the women's basketball team at UMAD (two of the five or six universities here in Puebla). It's been an awesome week building relationships with the girls through team meetings and bible studies, one-on-one meetings and actually getting to practice with the girls. That's right, I said practice and for the record, I am not the functioning athlete I once was. The elevation change here has kicked my butt. We are above 7,000 feet here so my lungs are constantly mad at me for not getting enough air to them.
This is really a cool city. Puebla is located at the Valley of Puebla also known as the Valley of Cuetlaxcoapan, a large valley surrounded on four sides by the mountains and volcanoes of the Trans-Mexican volcanic belt. The views are absolutely stunning and I can't help but think of how awesome our Creator is when I get to constantly look at sights like this:
I snapped this today with my phone as I walked to the church I have been going to. This weekend they simulcast a Global Leadership Summit put on by the Willow Creek Association and I loved it. It spoke a lot about working on teams and how to lead successfully by following God's call on one's life. Really struck a chord with me. There were some 130,000 people watching all over the world, 540 in this church, Torre Fuerte. Of course, it was in Spanish but the kind people there were able to hook us up with headphones so we could listen to it in English. That's just how the people are around here- super willing to help and I don't know if I have met people as nice.
I have had a few, um, minor problems occur. The other day I attempted to take the bus to campus and meet my teammate there because, well, I'm arrogant and think I can know my way around a town I've only lived in 3 days in a country that I speak three words of their language. But, I went nonetheless... and to make things easier, I didn't have an operating phone on me. I took what I thought was the right bus but was, in fact, not. The bus system is deceptive around here- there is a series of I believe three thousand numbers on the front of the bus and I am supposed to identify the route by the number. Now these buses are flying at me at the speed of sound and it doesn't help that I am constantly looking around at God knows what instead of my bus. So it would only make sense that I mix up the numbers and get on the wrong bus. 45 minutes later the nice bus driver informed me that I needed to get off the bus, that his route was over. I however did not understand this in the least bit, and smiled in vain attempt to flirt my way into him taking me back to wherever in the world I got on the bus from. It didn't work.
So I got off the bus into what you could have convinced me was another world. I had no idea where I was or where to turn. So what does a good little missionary do at a time like that? Say a quick prayer and get to stepping. God must have had some pity on my because I took one of five roads about a half mile, decided to catch another bus that I had no idea where it was headed and all of the sudden this familiar ad appears and I know where I am:
Thank God for the Dixie Chicks. I got off the bus and walked the rest of the way home. I'm still not entirely sure why there is a painting on the wall of Puebla, Mexico of those three but I guess I'm just glad they are popular somewhere in this world.
Tomorrow I'm planning on taking some time and processing a lot of what's happened this week and hopefully write some more as I think of all the amazing things that have happened to me. I want to thank you for your prayers this week. Please know I have felt the unexplainable peace of God in the middle of this chaos and I know it's because I have amazing prayer warriors back home. I love you all and am praying for you too.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Finally I have an update for you...
Hey guys,
Well I am safely here in Mexico. It's weird to think this has been in the works for the past 18 months of my life and now I'm finally here. I want to apologize for the absence of blog updates but here they go. This next one is one that I wrote while waiting in the airport to catch the last let of my flight into Mexico. I wrote it three days ago but this is the first chance I had to upload it. Here it goes:
Well I am safely here in Mexico. It's weird to think this has been in the works for the past 18 months of my life and now I'm finally here. I want to apologize for the absence of blog updates but here they go. This next one is one that I wrote while waiting in the airport to catch the last let of my flight into Mexico. I wrote it three days ago but this is the first chance I had to upload it. Here it goes:
Here goes... well, everything...
This past week has been super busy so apologies for not posting any news but here goes:
Since my trip was postponed I was able to attend the annual Josh Hancock Golf Tournament in Birmingham last Friday. This was a very special opportunity for my family and I to pack up and head over to visit with old friends of Josh, my oldest brother who passed away four years ago. Josh was, among other things, a baseball player with the St. Louis Cardinals and a somewhat avid golfer.
His closest friends got together about four years ago and put together what has become an annual event. I was fortunate enough to be able to attend and play (if we call it that) with my other brother Jon Jon and some friends of ours in the scramble. I was also able to see some of you, my supporters, there. For the record, I think we should all keep our day jobs. I wanted you all to know how special it was to see Josh’s friends continue to remember him with such an amazing tournament and turnout. There was a lot of hard work that went into it and I just wanted to say thank you on behalf of our family- it was obvious that Josh was dearly loved by you all.
His closest friends got together about four years ago and put together what has become an annual event. I was fortunate enough to be able to attend and play (if we call it that) with my other brother Jon Jon and some friends of ours in the scramble. I was also able to see some of you, my supporters, there. For the record, I think we should all keep our day jobs. I wanted you all to know how special it was to see Josh’s friends continue to remember him with such an amazing tournament and turnout. There was a lot of hard work that went into it and I just wanted to say thank you on behalf of our family- it was obvious that Josh was dearly loved by you all.
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My sweet family after the tournament |
My dad spoke on behalf of the family at the tournament and told a story about me that occurred this summer when I got to attend the Cardinals game when the guys presented a check to Cardinals Care, an organization created by the team benefitting children, as a result of last year’s tournament. So many amazing things happened on that trip for me, but one stood out and I wanted to share it with you. After the pre-game presentation of the check, the guys, my best friend and I were walking off the field when Joe, our host told me that some of the Cardinal players had requested to see me before the game started So he escorts me and my friend to the locker room area where Chris, a player, comes out to give me a hug and ask about the family. He and Josh were good friends and he wanted to check on us and see how everything was going.
After he returned to the locker room, Adam Wainwright, also a great friend of Josh’s came out. He commented on the Dreamland Ribs our family sent the team and how much he enjoyed them and we continued to small talk for five or so minutes. And then it was time for him to get ready for the game, so he turned and left. Meanwhile we just stood in the waiting area and continued to chat with Joe and then something happened that I will never forget. The door opened back up and Adam stuck his head back out and said, “Hey Katie, there’s one more thing. I wanted to let you know that Josh use to sit right next to me on the bus and plane when we would travel with the team. That seat remains open to this day because I feel like occasionally Josh likes to come back and sit with us. I just wanted to tell you that.” Well of course I am about to start crying like a small child, but somehow remain collected and give him what I’m sure appeared to be a goofy little grin and thanked him for the story. It was one that I honestly do not think I’ll ever forget. I believe that was some closure that the Lord thought I needed and it did more to ease my heart than any one thing has since the day we lost Josh. God is good.
After he returned to the locker room, Adam Wainwright, also a great friend of Josh’s came out. He commented on the Dreamland Ribs our family sent the team and how much he enjoyed them and we continued to small talk for five or so minutes. And then it was time for him to get ready for the game, so he turned and left. Meanwhile we just stood in the waiting area and continued to chat with Joe and then something happened that I will never forget. The door opened back up and Adam stuck his head back out and said, “Hey Katie, there’s one more thing. I wanted to let you know that Josh use to sit right next to me on the bus and plane when we would travel with the team. That seat remains open to this day because I feel like occasionally Josh likes to come back and sit with us. I just wanted to tell you that.” Well of course I am about to start crying like a small child, but somehow remain collected and give him what I’m sure appeared to be a goofy little grin and thanked him for the story. It was one that I honestly do not think I’ll ever forget. I believe that was some closure that the Lord thought I needed and it did more to ease my heart than any one thing has since the day we lost Josh. God is good.
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How precious are mom and papi? |
As if the tournament wasn’t enough excitement for one weekend, the next day I was lucky enough to attend this little football game. Some of you might have heard about it- LSU v. Alabama. The weekend was filled with uncontrollable laughter and a house full of great girlfriends. I will say that the outcome was less than desirable, but I think it was the experience that really matters. I remember sitting on the Quad tailgating with this big group of girls thinking that it was really amazing how the Lord has blessed me with the people He surrounded me with. I could not have asked for any more support, enthusiasm for my upcoming mission, or unconditional love than I received from both he and the friends I have. I recalled a favorite verse of mine at that point and quietly smirked at my surroundings; “as iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” I live a pretty blessed life.
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We might have lost but we went out in style |
For my grand send-off, I got to meet up with my family and best friend for dinner where we laughed over good food and funny memories. The next morning I woke up, got packed up, said my tearful goobyes and headed to the airport only to find... that I missed my fight. And it only makes sense since those of you who know me well know that I am physically incapable of sticking to a plan. So I got delayed another day, got to spend some more time with great friends, woke this morning and caught my plane.
I guess that about gets me to here: the Houston International Airport where I’m currently waiting to catch the last leg of my flight to Puebla, Mexico and where the next chapter of my life will take place. I hope you stay tuned, I’m sure it will be, well.. interesting.
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So this is my absolute favorite place in the world and I was lucky enough to have some time my last week to revisit the Cliffs and meet with God. |
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How could you not love it up here? Here's to getting back there soon. I love ya'll! |
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Go Cards!
On another (completely unrelated) note, how about those Cardinals???!! I must admit, I have been glued to the TV watching this playoff run. I know Josh would be proud of these guys and his closest friends. Once a Cardinals fan, always a Cardinals fan.
Did I mention that I might have a slight crush on David Freese?
How much fun are they having? Got to love baseball in October.
Coutndown: 12 Days
Hey guys! I just wanted to say a big thanks for all your prayers and support. The Lord has provided all my support and I have been given clearance by staff. I purchased my ticket to Mexico a couple days ago and you will officially be rid of me on November 10th! I honestly could not thank everyone who contributed support- both prayerfully and financially- enough to feel satisfied but, as I have said earlier, I can only pray that the Lord will generate blessing upon blessing in your life because of the blessing you have been to me. You are each very close to my heart and I want you to know you will be prayed for throughout this next year.
On that note, I do have a couple of prayer requests: Marnie (my teammate already in Mexico) is currently in Guadlajara with a couple other members of our team at the PanAm games (what the heck is this? talking with athletes and coaches about Jesus. They have been given some amazing opportunities so prayers for those to continue and their continued safety would be amazing.
Additionally, my other teammate, Erica, is in the process of raising money so we are praying for the Lord to open up people's hearts to give to our cause. Specifically, we are praying that the Father of all creation would open the floodgates and bring in the rest of her support in a way that could not be explained by anything but divine intervention. Ya'll have been my prayer warriors thus far so I feel better already knowing these requests will be offered to the Lord by you.
I'll be updating this in the next few days with some cool details about how the Lord is providing because, well, I just think it's a really cool story. Love you guys!
On that note, I do have a couple of prayer requests: Marnie (my teammate already in Mexico) is currently in Guadlajara with a couple other members of our team at the PanAm games (what the heck is this? talking with athletes and coaches about Jesus. They have been given some amazing opportunities so prayers for those to continue and their continued safety would be amazing.
Additionally, my other teammate, Erica, is in the process of raising money so we are praying for the Lord to open up people's hearts to give to our cause. Specifically, we are praying that the Father of all creation would open the floodgates and bring in the rest of her support in a way that could not be explained by anything but divine intervention. Ya'll have been my prayer warriors thus far so I feel better already knowing these requests will be offered to the Lord by you.
Erica and I this summer at STINT conference in Chicago
I'll be updating this in the next few days with some cool details about how the Lord is providing because, well, I just think it's a really cool story. Love you guys!
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Almost Gone
Hi guys! Welcome to my first official blog. I plan on updating this every week (at least) in order keep you up to date with everything that's going on with our mission in Mexico. So here goes nothing:
Well, September is finally here. I've been planning my return to Puebla, Mexico for the past 14 months- plenty of time, right? Those of you who know me know that I rarely am able to make a plan, much less actually follow through with it, so it should come as no surprise that once again I have deviated from schedule. As of now, I am still in the States for another month or so while raising the remainder of my support. I have about another $5,000 to raise, so I'm grounded November 1st for the present time. Although disappointed, I know that the Lord has a plan far greater than any I could fabricate so remembering that, I'm at peace with where I am. I wanted to thank you for your prayers for my mission, my safety, and the remainder of my support coming in.
Of the three of us girls from the US who have been raising support over the summer, one of us (Marnie, far right in the picture below) has reached full support and is leaving October 1st headed to Puebla to begin our ministry. I would ask you to pray for her safety in travelling and for her to be strengthened with the Spirit in order to go alone to jump-start this opportunity. I'll keep you updated on when I will be joining her. Thanks again for the support and prayers. I couldn't have gotten this far without you.
Well, September is finally here. I've been planning my return to Puebla, Mexico for the past 14 months- plenty of time, right? Those of you who know me know that I rarely am able to make a plan, much less actually follow through with it, so it should come as no surprise that once again I have deviated from schedule. As of now, I am still in the States for another month or so while raising the remainder of my support. I have about another $5,000 to raise, so I'm grounded November 1st for the present time. Although disappointed, I know that the Lord has a plan far greater than any I could fabricate so remembering that, I'm at peace with where I am. I wanted to thank you for your prayers for my mission, my safety, and the remainder of my support coming in.
Of the three of us girls from the US who have been raising support over the summer, one of us (Marnie, far right in the picture below) has reached full support and is leaving October 1st headed to Puebla to begin our ministry. I would ask you to pray for her safety in travelling and for her to be strengthened with the Spirit in order to go alone to jump-start this opportunity. I'll keep you updated on when I will be joining her. Thanks again for the support and prayers. I couldn't have gotten this far without you.
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The Four Amigos- me, Joe (Virginia), Erica (Michigan), and Marnie (Washington state) |
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